Tag Archive for: english

Pronouncing the “it” States

“You can never trust spelling to guide you with pronouncing English words”

Today’s lesson gives true meaning to this quote that I find myself repeating many times a day. The English spelling system is not consistent. One letter does not represent one sound.  Listen to the lesson about using the most popular vowel sound. Learn what it means to stress a syllable in the word and how to reduce syllables in a word. This lesson is 7 minutes long. Email me for the written lesson. Just write STATES in the subject line.  Pam@proaccentcoaching.com


Use your voice like this pro!

Use Your Voice Like A Pro!

Using Your Voice Like A Pro Learn how to stretch your voice and raise your pitch. This is the cornerstone of learning how to make your voice sound more natural and native to English. Raising your pitch while placing stress on words will help the listener hear what you are saying! First let’s learn how […]