Call it whatever you want Accent Modification, Speaking Fluent English, Speaking English Clearly, or just plain ole Learning to talk better. Follow these 5 steps to become a better communicator, others will learn from you, remember you, and enjoying talking to you.



“It’s about  MELODY more than perfect pronunciation.”  -Pam


1. Finish the word! 

Pronouncing the final sounds of each word is tricky for a few reasons. First you don’t want to over-pronounce the last sound in a word. This sounds like I am contradicting myself. Say the sound but don’t push it out too much. Second, you may be able to say a word perfectly, but once you start talking faster your mouth and lips may not be able to keep up. And third, some of your sounds may be too weak-so you think you are saying the final sound- but a human ear will not hear it.  

What you think you are saying,      “I‘ll see you at five o’clock

What others hear,    “I_  see you  a_-fai_-o’claw_”

What is the big deal?  We link words together when we talk. If your last sounds are not pronounced, the important linking skill does not work.  And you will not sound smooth.


 2. Count the beats of the word. 

For example  a typical mistake for the word   Colorado is  “co-ra-do”  (3 beats). The correct pronunciation is 4 beats  “co-ler-ra-do”

The word particularly is 5 beats “par-ti-cu-lar-ly”, but a typical mistake is saying it with only 4 beats “par-ti-cu-ly”.

The word business is 2 beats “biz-nis”, but many times the mistake is saying it with 3 beats “biz-i-nis.”

What is the big deal? If you reduce the amount of syllables (or say too many) of a word, the listener is left to fill-in-the-blanks and will need a second or two to catch up with you. There will be problems with sounding choppy and a lack of understanding.


    3.       words              stand above       rest

         Some   ^            should               ^              the     ^    

If we said every word with the same voice we would put our listeners to sleep. That’s the definition of being monotone. One tone.

When we TALK like THIS, we would be HEARD, and have PERSONALITY in our CONVERSATION.

What is the big deal?  When every word sounds the same, you will sound boring and lack spark in your conversation. Put some effort into your important words. Listeners are waiting for you to emphasize the important words.


4.  Parts of a word are bigger than Other parts.

It’s my goal in life to teach everyone how to pronounce the word “develop.” If you continue to pronounce it without  the American English stress, it will sound like “devil up.”

The stress should be in the middle syllable. (VEL).  “di-VEL-lip”  Then the other syllables become smaller.

What is the big deal?  Even if you are pronouncing each sound correctly, the word will not sound like itself. While you are on the next sentence, the listener is still  wondering why they heard the word “devil.”


5.  Say some words L-O-N-G-E-R. 

Do you know that the only difference between saying “ice” and “eyes” is one sound. But the listener doesn’t care about that, as much as, the length of the word.

“ice”  ends in a /s/. This sounds like a short word with an “s” on the end.

“eyes” ends in a /z/.  This word is pronounced  L-O-N-G-E-R than the other one. It’s the length of the word (the vowel) that we are listening for. Not the  “z” pronunciation.

What is the big deal? Not all words are created equal. Listener confusion.

You’ve Got This!

So there you have it- we need to stretch some words longer, higher, and give our voice personality. We need to pronounce the correct amount of sounds and syllables and link them together in a cohesive way.  Once you can do these 5 steps you will sound fluent, more natural, and develop a confident, speaking style.

It’s all about the English melody 

for you to become a good conversationalist

and an awesome public (or private) speaker.


The hardest part is to know which skills you are doing correctly and which skills could use some help.

I have quick and easy directions so that you can show improvements within one hour. Of course, this will take some practice so that you can make it a new habit. But these are achievable goals.

If you would like a free 30-minute consultation, contact me, let’s talk- and I will advise you.

Or let’s get right to it. Let me customize our classes together and I will teach only what you need to learn.

Virtual lessons -Private or in Small group Packages. Contact me to discuss the details. No obligation to purchase.







Ignite Your Interactions!

Award Winning Conversations

Becoming an effective English speaker is required every time you start talking. Imagine interacting better in your job, when you are meeting new friends, and even ordering take-out at your favorite place. This last one is the best for practicing any new English pronunciation tip. Basically, try this whenever English is being used.

When I was in my 20’s,  I had the opportunity to volunteer for an after-school program for kids that were home alone. It was called “Phone Friend” and the job was to answer the phone, talk to them, and help them feel safe. These were school-aged children who were home alone because their parents were working. When I was in my 20’s, THERE WERE NO CELL PHONES! Well, there were cell phones, but most people didn’t have them yet.  Can you imagine?!

We were trained for a few months in the art of communicating with children and also how to respond to emergencies. These were important conversational skills, because in order to keep the conversation going, we had to learn how to be excellent listeners. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a young child? As my husband would say, it would be easier to “herd kittens.”  ha! ha!

How to Keep the Ball Rolling

The training is called Active Listening and that is because

To be an effective, successful communicator, you must be a good listener

  I am always working at this skill.  Everyone speaks with the intention to get our information heard. Instead, try listening to your conversational partner first, respond to their words and then talk to them. The results are amazing.

Use These Phrases When Conversing

This week’s lesson is filled with tools for you to enhance your pronunciation, play with word stress AND use new words/phrases that says “I hear you!”   Listening actually improves the quality of our conversation. And you will become memorable. That person. The one others want to talk to.  And believe it or not, when you LISTEN more, others will respond to you better.

Enjoy this lesson, and please contact me and tell me how you are doing in this process! CONTACT ME anytime. I would love to hear from you.