PODCAST Use Your Air Wisely- Pronouncing P-T-K
Here is a lesson about when we say a sound using aspiration (a puff of air) and when we do not use a puff of air.
English can be so confusing but I know this recording will help you!
Check out these words! You can repeat them with me from the recording below
Using Air-> pot sounds like “phot”
No Air-> spot sounds like “sbot”
Air-> top sounds like “thop”
No Air-> stop sounds like “sdop”
Air-> cat sounds like “khat”
No Air-> scat sounds like “sgat”
More Words from the Recording. Can you figure out what they sound like now?
Say these with air-> port and peach
No Air -> sport speech asparagus dispute
Say these with air-> table and tick
No air-> stable stick investigate instant
Say these with air-> cool and kit
No air-> school skit rescue basket
Good Luck! If you have any questions, please comment below or send an email!